Monday, May 21, 2012


For this project, we had to make a project that Incorporated 5 pictures that we created during the year. I chose my HOPE project, one of the 6 projects, wordle, a tutorial, and a visual pun. We also had to incorporate a boarder which i put on my "information" (its fake). I changed the colors of the push-pins and had the idea that they were on a cork board.

Friday, May 11, 2012


Similar to the 6 pictures series, this project was based on the movie Hotel Rwanda. A theme in this movie is hope, which is what I did this project on. I took pictures that to me made me feel hope. I choose a picture with a light in the middle of darkness, friends making a peace sign with their hands, a rainbow and a candle or a flame. This theme of hope is portrayed in the movie Hotel Rwanda because they had hope.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

series of 6

For this project we had to create 6 pictures that went together in a common theme. This theme had to be related to the themes found in the movie "Hotel Rwanda". My theme was "black and white" to prove that everyday tings are black and white, and to point out racism based off the uncontrollable color of one's skin. My favorite picture is of the world in black and white, and how in America's eyes they are all white and stand out compared to the rest of the world. The picture with beautiful hands was modeled by Erin Clark.