Friday, December 16, 2011


We had to take pictures and make a comic strip out of them. This comic strip, as shown is about a ninja stealing chips. (see erin's blog for comic) ;)

Monday, November 21, 2011

photo-editing sites

This screen shot is of what I did on The project was to look at two of the provided photo-editing sites, such as Taaz. On users can do a full make-over on a picture of them self or on a provided model. When using Taaz, I had some difficulty with website glitches, but going back later it worked. This site is a boring if you do not like "make-overs". Another site that I visited was which is like an illustrator. is a good site for less advance effects, good for quick photo editing. 

Monday, November 14, 2011

Visual Puns!

For this project we had to come up with a visual pun and create it. We also had to use Threshold, posterize, gradient map, and overlay. Another component was to incorporate the name of what it is into the picture. The first one on here is a  butterfly, because the butter is flying. The next one is a Gatorade, as you can see the gator has a first aid kit. The third one, my least favorite, is dog gone because it is a siluet of a dog- but the dog is gone. Finally the Tiger Lilly, a picture of a lilly flower with tiger stripes.

Friday, October 28, 2011


This project goes along with my other wordle projects. I went to and inserted the lyrics to "Dolphin" by Alexander Rybak. Its a good song. I liked this font on wordle.
This one I used the lyrics to "Fix You" by Coldplay. Also a good song.


For this project we had to watch a tutorial about how to do these kaleidoscope. We basically make a triangle selection and copy it all the way around. I think this project looks really cool, and it looks like it is hard to make, but it doesn't take that long. My favorites are B and D because they look nothing like the original. I like A and D because the colors stand out.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Four square #2

This is the same project as "four square #1" but done with a different picture and different filters. This picture is of these swirly paper things decorating the Mulan hallway. 

4 square #1

For this project we had to take a picture of something related to spirit week and put filters on it. This picture is of some Christmas lights that were hanging in Mulan's hallway. I also flipped and rotated the pictures.

Friday, October 14, 2011


This is the the same thing as the other painter's pallet and brush (poster) but this one is a little different. I made this one first, notice the different colored wordle, no vector or the poster's words.This is the one that is just for the project. (see WORDLE-ARTISTIC!)

More wordle

For this project we had to once again use wordle and work with negative space. We had to take a picture of ourselves, then we put the wordle behind it. My wordle is of the lyrics for "Forever Young". You may notice that the brick wall looks darker, this is because I put a filter on it.


For this project we had to take a picture & cut out the inside, so there would be negative space, and fill it with a wordle. Wordle mixes up the words that you type into the box, it also recognizes if you use a word multiple times and makes that word bigger. I took a artist's dictionary for art like words, and put it in to wordle. I put it behind a artist pallet and a brush on top. I not only made this for the project but for a contest for the WAHS ANNUAL ART SHOW poster. I got the black vector from illustrator.

Monday, October 3, 2011

15 green things

You may be over whelmed by this amazing picture. For this project we had to take 15 pictures that were all green and put them together. First, I got rid of some parts of the pictures. None of the elements on this is of the whole picture. Next I colored them and put them together. Coloring was easy using the color selection tool, and you may notice that I left some of it green such as in the grass background, the fat baby thing, the fireworks, and the trees. My favorite part of this picture is the hand that used to be holding another hand, but I deleted it. Next time I might want to make it a little less crowded :)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

hybrid animal.

For this project we had to combine parts of animals. In this you see a cow's head, dear's antlers, giraffe neck, lion body, elephant ears used as wings, a monkey's arm, and the hind of a red fox. If you look closely there is a flower made of a daisy, hibiscus, sunflower and a tulip. Next time I need to make the animal parts flow better, but I grouped them before I did, and couldn't go back. The flower was made first because I didn't know what I was going to do. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Where's lion?

For this project we had to take one picture and erase parts of it. The first picture is the original, with three lions, but in the second one there is only one lion! I used the lasso tool and deleted it, photo shop filled in the rest. I had a hard time getting rid of the lion facing away from the camera because photoshop wanted to fill in another head from the main lion. What I had to do was delete small parts of the lion until the whole thing was deleted. The only thing that I don't like about it is that if you look really closely at where the lion facing away from the camera stops, it goes from fuzzy green to sharp ground. 

Friday, September 9, 2011

Music Rocks-My way

This one is similar to the "Music Rocks". I had the same objects that, again, i rearranged. This time i didn't use a background and I didn't erase any of the lines. This time I wanted to mostly focus on "music". This time I made all of the objects blend in with different stripes. The one thing I don't like about is the objects pixilated as I made them bigger so a few look rough on the edges. My favorite part is on the top because the colors, red and orange, really stand out.

Music Rocks

For this project we had to basically rearrange everything on here. The other background was a rainbow tie-dye, but I choose to do this graffiti background instead because it looked cool and sketchy plus it blended in the colors. I also liked how we had to erase parts of the stripes because it adds to the graffiti background. What I don't like about this one is that it really doesn't focus on the music aspect of this project. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

History Brush

We had to use the "History Brush" and reveal color from a desaturated picture. My picture is of a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever. I only revealed the outlines of the dog's body to make it glow. With just the outline i didn't think it was enough, so i also revealed the tail, nose, and ears. I really like the end product.